Philmont Scout Ranch

Backpacking in New Mexico

These are all pictures from my trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico.
Philmont is a high adventure camp for Boy Scouts. I went on a 10 day hike over 80 some miles of Rocky Mountain terrain. Some of the adventure is captured in these photos. If you have been to Philmont, e-mail me about 'em! - -

To the right is a picture of my crew~

We tackled a mesa on our first day

I was whooped after the first day. I thought we had climbed a mountain (and a half) but it was only a mesa...
Big gophers in New Mexico

There was danger of bears around, but we were instructed on precautions to avoid getting eaten. "Bear bags" were hung up 30 feet high between trees so we didn't have any unwanted pals at dinner time. The more common visitor in our campsite were the "mini bears".

The View From Baldy

This is a picture of us going down off Baldy. We were lucky we didn't have to go up the north side! The north side was very steep and my friend Carsen attempted sustained flight for part of the way down after tripping. He managed to stay airborn for awhile and wasn't hurt!
Nice View

This is on top of Baldy as well. You're looking south, I believe...can you see Mexico?

One Last View From Baldy

Here's a view from the second tallest peak in New Mexico. It took us most of the morning to go up all 7,000+ feet (above the treeline, as you can see). It took us under two hours to go down the north side =)